I spent all of this week in the office working on edits for various clients, but last week I helped film a camera training session with the FS Foundation. Open Window is currently helping the FS Foundation get interview coverage of Classical Tahoe, a concert series, in Lake Tahoe. So, last Friday, we scheduled a training session to show their team how to operate the camera as well as some interviewing tips for when they’re getting their own footage in Nevada. I was in charge of filming the tutorial and helping the team get comfortable with the camera. It felt good to be more of the teacher this week since their team had minimal camera experience. I showed them how to frame a shot properly and how to rack focus for more dynamic shots. It really tested my knowledge and helped me become more confident with my own camera operating abilities.
I worked on a Conservation Corps, NMC Exteriors, and Fortress edits this week. I really enjoyed working on the Conservation Corps edits because the testimonial footage was fun to develop into a story. I also enjoyed adding in b-roll and layering some transitions on top. Additionally, I did some revision edits on both NMC and Fortress. For Fortress and NMC, I had to add some more b-roll and adjust some color correction, which I have been learning more about recently. I like seeing the color transformation after applying the LUT because it makes everything so much more vibrant! I hope to get more into color correction in the future. Lastly, my task for today was to organize the NMC 2021 Team Project we’ve been using to simultaneously work on each other's edits. Somehow the file structure went all haywire and needed some cleaning up. I worked on relinking media because not all of the footage was located on the right drive. So, I did that little by little to make sure we didn’t have any missing clips. Now the project is in tip-top shape, and I don’t feel anxious when I look at it!